Category: Python

  • Python Project: Intelligent Chatbot using the spaCy NLP Library

    Click here to view this project on GitHub. This chatbot uses the OpenWeather API to tell users what the current weather is in any city. It is intelligent enough to respond to a user’s statement- even when the user phrases their statement in different ways. It is also capable of telling users if they need…

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  • Python Project: Portfolio w/ SQLAlchemy

    Click here to view this project on Github. This is a web application using HTML, CSS, and Flask, a popular framework for Python web development. The web application, a portfolio, displays information about my work which is stored in a database. Skills demonstrated:

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  • Python Project: Storing Inventory w/ SQLAlchemy

    Click here to view this project on Github. This is a console application that loads an existing store’s inventory data from a CSV file into a SQLite database. The application will allow a user to interact with the records stored in the database to view existing records, add new items, and backup/export the existing state…

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  • Python Project: Phrase Hunter Game (Object-Oriented Programming)

    Click here to view this project on Github. This project uses Python and OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) to create a word-guessing game. A phrase is selected from random, hidden from the player. The player tries to guess the phrase by inputting individual characters- can they guess the phrase before they run out of attempts? Skills demonstrated:

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  • Python Project: Basketball Stats Tool

    Click here to view this project on GitHub. This script imports data about 18 basketball players, cleans the data, and distributes the players across 3 teams. Each team is balanced- no team has more or less players than the other two. Once the teams are balanced, the user can view any team’s stats. Skills demonstrated:

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  • Python Project: Numbers Guessing Game

    Click here to view this project on Github. This game prompts players to choose a number between a specified range of numbers. After the user guesses the correct number, it displays the number of attempts it took them to guess correctly (and asks them if they’d like to play again.) Skills demonstrated:

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